This should bring me up to date for the last 4 months. Some of the work shown are enlargement details of former paintings. I work with a resolution of 300ppi which allows me to make these enlargements of selected areas of a painting.
Aug. 1, 2013 I think it's time to resume the Abstract Mind. This stuff is just ramblings and photos of my art for the readers enjoyment.
January 29,2013 It's been a long time. I'm still painting with digital painting. Sure saves on canvas and paints. I will try to bring this blug up to date. I was sadened by the lose of a good friend. Larry would always have a comment to make. I will miss him. This painting I call Peaceful Place.
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Who Is this Guy?
Gene & Ricardo Palma
Hi! I'm Gene Foltuz
I've been creating art for most of my life. As a student of both engineering design and art, I've always enjoyed the creative process. Now retired from a corporate career and living in Peru with my amazing wife Lauris, I devote my time to creating art in many styles and mediums, as well as traveling whenever the opportunity presents itself. When viewing my abstracts, some people ask "What is it?" to which I always answer "Whatever you want it to be."