
Monday, June 25, 2012

I was experimenting with my digital painting program. Trying different ways to match what I have done with my airbrush and pallet knife. I was very happy with how the painting turned out.

I call it Dawn of Life 

Size 14x14 inches 

Now, what next? My mind is working in the background already.

     Dawn of Life...............

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Up late

I started this post late on Tues the 13th and hope to finish it early Wed, A lot of our friends are traveling right now so there's not a lot of action going on for us in Lima, so I busy myself by painting.

Here is one of  Pablo Picasso's quotes that I like. 

I feel the same way and my painting my not make sense to others but I really enjoy the freedom that Abstract painting gives me. It's shape, color, balance, the feeling one gets from looking at nature in the wild.

Saturday, June 2, 2012


I just can't get over Saturday's as being the day for house things. Now that I'm retired all the days are the same, except Sunday. And if you go to church on Sunday it is another day. But, we are so locked into a way of living that it's hard to change the cycle. Though I create paintings any day of the week that I want. The one I'm showing today I finished yesterday, what ever day that was.   I called it "Hunger".