
Friday, June 25, 2010

Still under construction?

Laurie has been doing a remodeling of my Blogs and it seems that Blogger has made some changes too that have screwed up things rather then making things better!
I am so grateful for her help because I would really make a mess of things. Though I sorry that she has to go through hell to fix things.

I haven't produced any art since my spinal operation at the Mayo Clinic in May. However my good doctor created a great abstract along my spinal cord. I won't go into details, but if you're interested look up AVF on one of those medical web sites. Or for a price I can send you the report of the operation in all it's technical wonder.
That being said, it was a great success and I'm at the end of my fourth week of a six week healing process. I guess we can call this post "The art of medicine."

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